Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sermon January 31, 2010

Good Evening! This Sunday we will finish up talking about conflict resolution, I'm going to talk about when Christians get snippy, lippy, snarky and mean. We all do it sometimes, but when there isn't actual sin involved, how do we know how to deal with it? What does God say about conflict that is not sin?

I hope that you are having a wonderful week, I have been praying for each one of you this week and I hope that you will say a prayer for me.

~Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sermon January 24, 2010

Greetings! I hope that you are having a wonderful week so far. If you were in church Sunday you will know that I did not preach about forgiveness as I had intended to. As situations arise, we as the church must be able to move and adapt and talk about what needs to be talked about. I shared a few posts from Jessica Ackerman whose parents are career missionaries to Haiti. We talked about a good God in the face of this kind of tragedy. If you would like to read more from Jessica you may go here: Jessica's Blog.

This week I will go back to our series on conflict resolution and will be preaching on forgiveness from Matthew 18. I hope to see you there!

~Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sermon January 17, 2010

Good afternoon! I hope that you are well. I'm feeling cold constantly right now...winter, eh? This week we are moving to part two of our conflict resolution series. Did you get anything last week out of our study of Matthew 18? We'll be talking about the art of forgiveness: something with which I think we can all use some training.

I hope that you are keeping warm and healthy! Don't be afraid to wash those hands. Come Friday night for game night at the church. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share. Drinks will be provided.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sermon January 10, 2010

Well the snow is finally coming! I've been waiting for it, I am looking out the window and everything is covered in a beautiful blanket of white. I am constantly amazed at the changing beauty of God's creation.

This week I am preaching from Matthew 18:15-20 about Conflict Resolution - no one likes conflict but there is a Biblical way to do it. Come as we discuss this aspect of our relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ.

~Pastor Shannon