Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Resource from Greed Sermon

The website I used in the sermon, Seven Deadly Sins: Greed is a website called Global Rich List, where you can see just how rich you are compared to the rest of the world.

Access it here.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sermon February 28, 2010

In continuing our series on the Seven Deadly Sins we are moving out of the category, "excessive love" and into the category of "perverted love." This week I will be preaching on Envy. Statistically this is the sin of the Seven that is the most difficult for women, although that is a generalization of course. We all have to work on this.

I hope that you are having a good week. I for one am glad the the snow has started melting....just in time for more probably!

~Pastor Shannon

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sermon February 21, 2010

Good afternoon! I hope that you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day, and I hope that you know that you are loved!

This week I will preach on Greed: the third sin of excessive love (along with gluttony and lust). Read about greed here: Exodus 20:17, 1 Timothy 6:6-10, Matthew 6:24 and Luke 12:15.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sermon February 14, 2010

Good afternoon! Sorry about the late notice, this week in continuing the series in the Seven Deadly Sins, we will be discussing Lust. This is certainly not a comfortable or fun topic, but it definitely needs to be dealt with. If you'd like to read ahead, the scripture readings are from Matthew 5:27-30 and James 1:12-16.

Reminder: Lent starts this Wednesday, Feb. 17, Brett and I have decided to give up pop for Lent this year. What are you going to do?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sermon February 7, 2010

Good morning! I hope that you are well this morning. Remember that this Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday, come sporting a jersey, hat or other paraphernalia of your favorite team. Or support one of the teams going to the Super Bowl! This Sunday I am starting a series on the Seven Deadly Sins. We are starting with GLUTTONY!