Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sermon May 2, 2010

Good Afternoon! What a beautiful day it is. Things are starting to grow and get very colorful and I am hoping the weather warms up soon.

This week I am going to be preaching on Moses, for preparation you can skim through Exodus. What can we learn from this great man? Do you identify with him? How can you be like Moses?


* This Sunday we are going to McKinley Lanes in Niles to bowl! Meet us there from 4-6.

* Next Thursday May 6 we are hosting a prayer vigil. The prayer of the believers is important, sign up to pray for our country, our church, the lost, and your personal needs.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sermon April 25, 2010

Good morning! I hope that you are doing well today. This week the sermon will be on King Hezekiah, Tom Arnold will be filling the pulpit, as Brett and I are in Indiana for his Master's hooding ceremony.

Keep in mind these dates:

May 2 - Bowling at McKinley Lanes 4-6

May 6 - National Day of Prayer, Prayer vigil 9am-6pm

May 23 - Town Hall Meeting, directly following church

Pastor Shannon

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sermon April 18, 2010

Good morning! I hope that you are having a delightful day. I enjoyed smelling fresh cut grass on the way to the church this morning, what a beautiful day the Lord has made!

This Sunday I am going to be preaching on Stephen: the first Christian martyr. What does it mean to truly give your life for the cause of Christ? You can read Acts 6 and 7 to get prepared for the message.

~ Pastor Shannon

Thursday, April 8, 2010

That's My King - resource from Easter

Sermon April 11, 2010

Good afternoon! I hope that you are having a wonderful week, the weather is a strange thing; going from being 80 to 30 and sunshine to rain, I'm going to have to get used to Ohio in the spring I suppose.

This week Pastor Susan is preaching on Queen Esther. Come to find out about this faithful woman of the Old Testament.