Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday November 21

Hello! I hope that you are having a wonderful week. Last week we talked about stewardship as freedom, giving to God our time and talents and freeing our church and ourselves up for the ministry that God has for us. I talked about finding out what spiritual gifts God has given you, if you would like to take an online quiz here are a few options:

Spiritual Gifts Inventory

Spiritual Gifts Analysis

This week we are going to focus on stewardship in tithe and resources. How can we use our resources as thanksgiving to a God who has given us everything?

The holiday season is now upon us. This week we celebrate Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? Count your blessings and be reminded that God, who loves you, has given you so much.

~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sunday November 14, 2010

Hello! My goodness, I'm so sorry for neglecting the blog. What a crazy few weeks it has been. I know that you have been praying for Isaac and the Pandrea's through this surgery ordeal. I hope that you will continue to pray for that little boy.

This week I will be preaching on "Freedom through Stewardship." It's easy to forget that when we give to God (our time, talents and tithe) we are really freeing ourselves for God's ministry. Let's get together Sunday and remember why we give.