Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday March 6, 2011

Good evening! I hope that you are doing well on this last day of February. This Sunday I will be preaching on "The Dangers of the Christian Ghetto." What is a Christian ghetto? It is a segregation of sorts. A Christian ghetto exists as a separate culture, has a different language and a unique mentality. Christian ghettos have their own music, TV, books, stores, etc., and those in it have no contact with outsiders. In this, Christians can very easily create a place where non-believers are not comfortable or welcome. Christians have created a subculture that envelops their whole life.

Come Sunday to find out more. Know that you are loved!
~Pastor Shannon

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sunday February 27, 2011

Can you believe that it is already the last week of February!? This year is going by so fast! I hope that you are making it a good one.

This Sunday I will be preaching from Revelation 3:14-22 about being lukewarm Christians. Being a true Christian means all the way - there's no halfway or lukewarm about it. We have to renew our passion and renew our commitment so that we will be all the way Christians.

Remember that you are loved!
~ Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sunday February 20, 2011

This week I will be preaching on Daniel and the Lion's Den. I'm sure you have heard this story before, but come and hear it again fresh. This is a wonderful story of a truly obedient man who chooses God even in the hard circumstances of life.

Read Daniel 6 in preparation.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman

This is a powerful song about taking a risk and diving in. Let it give you energy and enthusiasm for what God has planned for you! Listen to it and dance around the room! Let it get you excited for the work of God.

This was part of my sermon from Feb. 13, 2011.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday February 13, 2011

Hello! Happy Valentine's week! This is a good time to remind each one of you that you are loved. God loves you dearly and so do I! I hope that you are well today.

This Sunday will conclude our series "Starting the Year Off Right: How to Make 2011 Our Best Year Yet!" I will be preaching from Matthew 14:22-36. After all we have learned in this series this is the last thing we need to know: making 2011 our best year yet requires trusting God. It requires risk. We have to risk what we know and what we are comfortable with for something better. Jesus can give us that something better.

Matthew 14 lays out a wonderful story of risk and trust. Are you willing to risk? Are you willing to trust God? When we let go we get something even better.

Looking forward to seeing each one of you! I have missed being home.
~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Sunday February 6, 2011

Good afternoon! How are you enjoying the weather this winter? We're already going into the second month of the year!

This week Pastor Susan will be continuing our series teaching us how to make 2011 our best year yet. The beginning of anything means change and transition. We have to accept change and be willing to see it as good in order to move on. How do you deal with change?

Pastor Susan will be preaching about Joshua (in Exodus, Numbers and Joshua) - who followed Moses as the leader of the Israelites. Come to hear this wonderful story.

I hope that you are all well! We miss you dearly and I will see you next Sunday!

~ Pastor Shannon