Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday April 29, 2012

Well here we are, already facing the last Sunday of April!  Are you ready for May? 

On Sunday I will be preaching about how we can experience God in the people around us.  Do you know that fellow Christians can help us, change us and show us God? Not only that, we work together with them for the Kingdom of God.  We are not isolated in our God experience!  Check out Romans 12:5 - we are members of one body who belong to each other!

Know that you are loved!
~ Pastor Shannon

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunday April 22, 2012

Greetings! Well today was a beautiful, yet windy, day!  I hope that you are doing well as we move swiftly through April. 

This Sunday I will be preaching about obedience.  Closely tied with last weeks sermon about how joining God requires making adjustments, this week we will talk about how joining God in Kingdom work requires our obedience.  This week read John 14:15-31 is preparation for the sermon. 

Following church this Sunday we are going to have a plaza clean up day - we are part of the Lordstown community to serve them and show them love and this is a tangible way that we can get this accomplished.  I hope that you will stay and plan to help. 

Pastor Shannon

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sunday April 15, 2012

With Easter over we are moving quickly through spring! I hope that you are enjoying the beauty of God's nature this week. 

On Sunday, my brother David is preaching!  David will be preaching on the idea that joining God in Kingdom work requires making adjustments in our lives.  Are you willing to adjust your life to God? It's not an easy task. 

Know that you are loved and prayed for~
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sunday April 8, 2012

Greetings for Holy Week! This week is both a somber and victorious reminder of what has been done for us through Jesus Christ. 

On Sunday I will preach the Easter message - a message of victory, hope and grace for all of us.  I'm amazed at what was done for me when Jesus went to the cross...are you amazed? This Sunday we celebrate the Risen Savior, Christ's victory over death and our reason for life.  Come and celebrate with us!

~ Pastor Shannon