Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday June 2, 2013

Hello! Greetings from Wisconsin (really who goes to Wisconsin for vacation? Me!).  I hope you are enjoying this last week of May.

This week we will continue in our THIS OR THAT series.  If you've missed a sermon, you can listen on our website: Harvest Point Church

David Cross will be preaching on June 2nd about how to transition from Dried Up Twigs to Fruit Producing Branches from the scripture John 15:1-17.  Do we have to produce fruit as believers? What does it mean to produce fruit?

I hope that you have a wonderful week - I will see you on the 9th!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday May 26, 2013

Greetings! I hope that this finds you well.

On Sunday we will continue in our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform... by hearing about how we transition from Making Converts to Making Disciples.  Is there a difference? If so what is it? Read Matthew 28:18-20 as a preview and come Sunday. 

I want you to know that I am praying for you all.  Know that you are loved!
~Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday May 19, 2013

If you can't tell by your allergies the flowers are blooming! Spring is here in full force and how beautiful is has been so far!

This week we start a new study...a study that will move us from worldly ideals to Christian ideals.  From how we function in our humanness to how God can help us function in holy ways.  These next several weeks we will focus on transitioning from THIS to THAT.  On May 19th we will start with transitioning from Independent Contractors to Covenant Community.  What does this mean? How does God impact this change? Read Jeremiah 31:31-33 in preparation and come and find out!

This Sunday we also have a community meeting following church.  We will discuss the 2013 Luau, we will hear an update from the Next Step Team and we will take a vote on a resolution to borrow for the land! Come and discuss with us.

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday May 12, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are well this lovely spring day.

This week we celebrate Mother's Day: this is a day that we can celebrate the many women in our life who have loved us, cared for us, comforted us, taught us and led us.  On Sunday we will honor all those women.  Be sure to let the women in your life know how much you appreciate them. 

You are loved!
Pastor Shannon