Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday August 26, 2013

Can you believe we are already at the end of August!? How quickly summer has gone by and now we enter into delightful fall full of fun events and crisp weather.

This Sunday I will continue to preach on internal discipleship.  What is it that God is working on in you? We can never become stagnant in the faith - we must continue to be shaped by the Word and we must continue to allow God to transform us.  We are told in Matthew 4:18-22 that Jesus will make us into fishers of men...if we allow God to work we can truly become disciples.  Read John 15:1-2 in preparation. 

Please know that you are loved and I am praying for you,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday August 18, 2013

Greetings! What a fantastic weekend we have had! Another great Luau on Saturday and today we celebrated both the Luau and the forward movement to buy land.  What an exciting time it is in the life of our church!

On Sunday I will start dealing with internal discipleship.  In order to be who God wants us to be, we have to take care of ourselves, we must set boundaries, we must participate in not only discipling but being discipled.  We too have room to grow. 

After church we will have a fun afternoon at the Robinson's for a pool party.  Bring your towel and a dish to share!

I am praying for you,
Pastor Shannon

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday August 11, 2013

With only a few short days until our Luau, I hope that you will be in prayer for the event, for all of the people who we will come into contact with and that God will be at work among us.  I am so excited for our 4th annual Luau, this Saturday, August 10th. 

On Sunday we will celebrate.  With a major event behind us we will look at what God is doing and celebrate the mighty works of a great God. We have so much for which to be thankful, come ready to testify to what the Lord is doing.  This is an important Sunday, I hope you will come to listen and come to participate!

Pastor Shannon