Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday April 6, 2014

Hello! I hope that this finds you well as we enter April and the month of Easter!

We are in a series following our small group book study. On Sunday we will be continuing our discussion that comes from Chasing Daylight. Human beings are only given so much time, so we are called to make the most of every moment...every opportunity.  The book is focused on the life of Jonathan - a man of God who stepped out in faith.

On Sunday I will be preach about risk. Not many people are risk takers in general, for some of us it's just not in our nature. So what does it mean to risk for God? How did Jonathan risk? What does this mean for us? Come on Sunday and find out!

You are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sunday March 30, 2014

Hello! I hope this finds you well!

This Sunday we will be continuing our conversation from Chasing Daylight - our IOU group study book. We are only given so much time, so we are called to make the most of every moment...every opportunity.  It is focused on the life of Jonathan - a man of God who stepped out in faith.

On Sunday Pastor Brian Smith is going to take a look with you at influence. The idea of the chapter is that we can (and should) use our influence for good and Godly things.  Your touch in someone's life may be far more reaching than you know! We have great opportunities in life to influence people for God.

This weekend on Saturday and Sunday the Elder's and I will be at a strategic planning weekend.  This is a terribly important time for the leaders as well as the church at large. We need your help to make this weekend successful: please be in prayer for us as we pray, work on team building, and vision for the future of Harvest Point Church.

Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Sunday March 23, 2014

Greetings! We finally are having some spring weather - rain and warmth!

We are in a series following our small group book study.  On Sunday we will be continuing our conversation from Chasing Daylight. We are only given so much time, so we are called to make the most of every moment...every opportunity.  It is focused on the life of Jonathan - a man of God who stepped out in faith.

This Sunday we are going to take a look at uncertainty.  We are all uncertain at times - especially about what God wants from us or where God wants us to go.  How do we find the right path? We are going to look at Exodus 3-4 and the story of Moses.  Moses was uncertain that God could use him, have you ever felt that way? Uncertainty is not a good thing in making the most of our moments.  Come as we discuss it!

Know that you are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sunday March 9, 2014

Greetings! I hope that you are well on this brisk March day.  My goodness, will the cold never cease!?

On Sunday we will be continuing our conversation from Chasing Daylight - our IOU group study book. We are only given so much time, so we are called to make the most of every moment...every opportunity.  It is focused on the life of Jonathan - a man of God who stepped out in faith.

This Sunday we are going to take a look at our choices. Every choice you make is an opportunity for good. I am going to be preaching on the life of Rahab, the prostitute, from Joshua 2. Can our choices change our life? Come and find out!

I am praying for each one of you!
Pastor Shannon