Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sunday February 5, 2012

Hello! Wow, what a beautiful day it is today.  It's the last day of January and I went outside with no coat on...the sun is delightful!

This Sunday I will be talking about unity.  Unity is one of the Church of God's basic beliefs.  Not just unity within our church; but unity as "people of God"; unity across church, state, country and denominational lines...unity across racial, socio-economic and gender lines.  What does true Biblical unity mean, and what brings us together?

Remember that this Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday...we'll watch the game at the Pandrea's home.  See you Sunday!

~ Pastor Shannon

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spiritual Gifts Resources

The tests are long, but they are definitely worth the time investment. Take one or two tests and then explore your results. 

Be sure to answer the questions honestly, in taking the spiritual gifts inventory you are not trying to please anyone and there are no right or wrong answers. Just think about yourself and answer honestly for the most accurate results.  All spiritual gifts are important and necessary in the life of the church!

Online Spiritual gifts inventory: http://www.kodachrome.org/spiritgift/
or http://www.churchgrowth.org/cgi-cg/gifts.cgi?intro=1
or http://buildingchurch.net/g2s-i.htm
or http://elmertowns.com/spiritual_gifts_test/

Spiritual Gifts definitions: http://buildingchurch.net/g2s-d.htm

Once you have discovered your Spiritual Gifts, please feel free to come and have a visit with Pastor Shannon to ask questions, talk over your results and/or get you plugged in to a ministry at Harvest Point Church. 


Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday January 29, 2012

Hello! I hope that you are well this beautiful January day.

For Sunday read 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.  Do you know that every single one of you is special? Do you know that God has given each one of us gifts and abilities to help in ministry? We may not always feel like it, but each one of us is just as important as the other in God's eyes! What do you have that can be used to serve God?

Looking forward to being back!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday January 22, 2012

Hello! When this post shows up I will be safely in California.  Brett and I are visiting Los Angeles for a short vacation before he begins the Winter/Spring PBA tour. 

This week Paul Holm, from the Tallmadge Church of God, will be taking a look at part of the Sermon on the Mount and preaching from Matthew 6:25-34.

Remember that Wednesday January 25 at 7pm is our Annual Business Meeting.  Please plan to be there to discuss this year and to vote on the annual budget and a new Elder. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunday January 15, 2012

Hello! Well it is finally winter here in Ohio, we have had snow that is sticking on the ground.  Everything looks so pretty covered in snow, I hope you are finding some way to enjoy this winter. 

Sunday, I will be preaching from Matthew 22:36-40, the Great Commandment. It deals with loving God and loving neighbor.  I believe that this is the foundation of ministry.  If we get this, ministry will flow from it.

If you enjoy reading different places in the Bible where the same idea comes out, check out: Deut. 6:4-5, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-37 and Leviticus 19:18. 

See you Sunday!
Pastor Shannon

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sunday January 8, 2012

Greetings! I hope that you are well. The sun is out again and has melted the snow - what a strange winter we are having, but I will not complain about nice weather. 

For this Sunday I want you to consider what it is that motivates you to share God with those around you? Are you timid or bold?

In this New Year - we have a chance at a new beginning, a chance to be set on fire. As a church we need to be revitalized to share the good news we have with those around us. In Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus calls the disciples (and us!) to action. 

I'll see you Sunday!
~Pastor Shannon