Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday November 3, 2013

Greetings, here we are moving into the last few months of 2013.  What a great year we've had so far, there is lots going on and lots more to come. 

On Sunday we will hear from David Cross.  He is closing out our series on Jesus by preaching from John 5:1-18 on Jesus healing the man by the pool.  He asks a very important question, "do you want to be made well?" This is a deep question for us all to ponder.  Join us as we discuss this great story.

I am on vacation this week, but I am missing you all.  I will see you back next week!
Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sunday October 27, 2013

Greetings! Things have started to get cold, but you can always come and warm up at church!

This Sunday, I will be preaching from John 20: 19-23.  We've heard some amazing stories about Jesus, but Jesus no longer walks the can we connect with him? What does this scripture tell us?

I am praying for each one of you and hope that you are well,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday October 13, 2013

Hello! Welcome to October, what an beautiful fall it has been so far.  I'm looking forward to our Harvest Party and Trunks of Treats that are coming along soon. 

On Sunday, I will preach from Matthew 20:1-16.  It is the story of the laborers in the vineyard and I think it is a beautiful story of the generosity of salvation.  Come as we hear this story and discover what we can learn from it. 

The youth group meets this Wednesday, please be in prayer for them as they figure out who they are, how they relate to God and how to live in the world as Christians.

Pastor Shannon