Monday, November 23, 2009

Sermon November 29, 2009

Good afternoon! I hope that you are doing well on this chilly day. This week we get to celebrate Thanksgiving - a time for each one of us to remember all that God has given us. I am thankful for each one of you and for what your bring to our congregation.

This Sunday is the beginning of the Advent Season! What a wonderful time of year it is. I will be starting the Advent series: "All I want for Christmas is..." and this week I will preach on hope from John 1. We are a people who have hope, are we not? Then Sunday night we will have a special service - Hanging of the Green - starting at 4pm, bring a dessert and come ready to fellowship and do some Christmas caroling.

I hope that you have a delightful Thanksgiving in whatever you are doing. I will see you Sunday!

~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sermon November 22, 2009

Good afternoon! I hope that you are enjoying the wonderful warm fall that we are having. I am delighted to see the sun shining today, how about you? This week we are going to talk about the Kingdom of God. I know this is a hard idea to grasp, but come Sunday and we will work on it together.

Also, remember that Sunday evening is the Lordstown community Thanksgiving service. This is a great time to connect with other Christians in the Lordstown area. We will be meeting at the Lordstown Lutheran Church at 7pm and your own Pastor Shannon will be preaching. Come for the service and stay for snacks afterwards.

~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sermon November 15, 2009

Good afternoon! I hope that each one of you is doing well on this brisk fall day. This week we are going to be talking about the Aroma of Christ. I'll be preaching from 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 if you want to look ahead.

See the there!
Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sermon November 8, 2009

Hello! I hope that you are having a wonderful week. I want you to know that our trunks of treats event was wonderful! For those of you who helped, thank you so much. We had almost 50 kids and over 100 people that went through our doors! I'll be showing pictures at church this week.

This week's sermon will be about holiness. Did you know that the Church of God is a holiness movement? We're going to talk about that and about personal holiness. Can't wait to see you!

~ Pastor Shannon