Monday, November 23, 2009

Sermon November 29, 2009

Good afternoon! I hope that you are doing well on this chilly day. This week we get to celebrate Thanksgiving - a time for each one of us to remember all that God has given us. I am thankful for each one of you and for what your bring to our congregation.

This Sunday is the beginning of the Advent Season! What a wonderful time of year it is. I will be starting the Advent series: "All I want for Christmas is..." and this week I will preach on hope from John 1. We are a people who have hope, are we not? Then Sunday night we will have a special service - Hanging of the Green - starting at 4pm, bring a dessert and come ready to fellowship and do some Christmas caroling.

I hope that you have a delightful Thanksgiving in whatever you are doing. I will see you Sunday!

~ Pastor Shannon

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