Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sermon March 28, 2010

Good afternoon! Remember that tomorrow night (Friday the 26th) at 6:30 we are having a movie night at the church, we are watching "Hoodwinked." Bring a two-liter, we'll provide the popcorn and snacks.

This Sunday, as you are aware I'm sure, is Palm Sunday. We are going to celebrate together and then move into Holy Week, where we ponder the events that took place in Christ's death and Resurrection. I hope that you will participate where you can:

March 28:
*10am Palm Sunday Service
*7pm Passion Play at Highway Tabernacle

April 1:
* 6:30pm Maundy Thursday Communion and Foot Washing

April 2:
* 7pm Ecumenical Good Friday Service at the Christian Church

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