Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sermon September 19, 2010

Good morning! I hope that you are doing well this week. Sunday we are starting the sermon series that goes along with your IOU groups (Inward Outward Upward). But don't worry - they will still be relevant even if you aren't part of a group!

If you are in a group be sure to be doing your devotionals and journals (the book with the red center) - Day 1 is September 15th!

I will be preaching from John 13:34-35. The beginning of serving together is loving one another. Come Sunday at 9:00 am or 11:00 am to one of our worship services.

Also remember, this week is Leah's last week with us - during the coffee and donuts fellowship hour (10-11am) we will be having a going away party for her.

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