Monday, May 23, 2011

Sunday May 29th, 2011

Good morning! What a beautiful weekend we had, with sunshine every day! I hope you were able to get out and enjoy some of the sun.

We have been, for the month of May, studying Bible stories we thought we knew. We have learned some surprising things about the Biblical characters (Abraham, Eve, Samson and Hagar)and hopefully you have learned some valuable things for your own life.

This week we will close up that series with a more general topic - the importance of Scripture. We have looked at all these Bible stories that we were taught before and perhaps were mislead about what really happened, so what is our responsibility in that? To know the scriptures for ourselves.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
Pastor Shannon

If you have missed any of the sermons and would like to hear them, please go to the links page on our church website.

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