Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sermon June 19, 2011

Hello! I hope that you are all well this beautiful morning. This Sunday is a special day - it is Father's Day. We all have men in our lives who have influenced us greatly, who have loved us deeply and who have supported us through life. Take time this week to honor your Father's, Step-Dad's, Fathers-in-law, Grandpa's, Uncle's....and any other men who have served in that role. We love you, men, thank you!

This week we are concluding our series on generosity. The first week we looked at generosity in general - how to be generous of heart, like the Good Samaritan (Luke 10). Last week we focused on generosity of self - using our time and talents for God's purposes and being faithful in the call because we will be held accountable for our actions (2 Corinthians 5:10). This week we are going to focus on generosity of stuff - our tithe and resources. Generosity of stuff is always a hard concept to live by, by God blesses those who are faithful.

I am praying for each one of you, hope to see you Sunday!

Pastor Shannon

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