Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sunday September 4, 2011

Well, here we are, approaching my favorite time of year. I love the fall! This week we've had some absolutely gorgeous days with the warm (but not too hot) weather. I hope that you are enjoying it! As you prepare for the changing season remember these things: Children's Sunday (Sept. 11), picnic at the Moss' (Sept. 11), Minute-to-win-it (Sept. 18 at the Apple Cider Festival), and the Women's fall trip (Sept. 24).

Well, the Luau was amazing! For those of you that helped, thank you so much for making it a success! This Sunday we will be doing follow up assessment: what was good, what was not so good, and ideas for next year.

This Sunday I will be preaching from Luke 15:1-10. It contains two parables and I'll be talking about what was once lost is now found! This is cause for rejoicing!

~ Pastor Shannon

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