Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday September 25, 2011

Hello! What a week it's been, I have been in bed for three days now trying to get over whatever plague I have. I am hoping that the next few days I will start feeling better.

This past week Brett shared with us a very important message about the time we have (or lack thereof)...that we have to make the most of the life that God has given us. It was a powerful message and if you missed it, please check it out on the website.

This week I will continue our series out of the Crazy Love book. Do you know that God loves you? That you are wanted? We are loved deeply by a God who created us and knows who we are. It's a simple idea, but so important.

I hope to see you Sunday! Please know that it is not only God that loves you, but I do as well.

~ Pastor Shannon

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday September 18, 2011

Hello! This week I am writing to you from the Strategic Planning Conference of the Church of God - an every five years event that brings together leaders in the Church of God who get together to dream, plan and dialogue about where we (the movement as a whole) are and where we are going. It has been a wonderful time so far with a lot of good discussion.

Because of the fact that I am at a conference this week - Brett will be preaching this Sunday (I'll still be there though)! He is excited to preach and share with you his heart. He will be preaching on the urgency of our life having meaning. His text is James 4:13-14.

I hope to see you Sunday for this important message.

~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunday September 11, 2011

Hello! I hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Brett and I took the time off to celebrate our 6th anniversary - which is this Saturday. We had a great time!

This Sunday is a super special Sunday - it's youth and kids Sunday! Our children and Club 456 (4th, 5th and 6th graders) will be serving Sunday on praise team, in prayers, as ushers and more! Come this Sunday and experience this wonderful Sunday.

I will be preaching about loving God as the children do - recklessly and fearlessly. As we grow - we get more and more cautious about our love. We must let go of our fear, our caution, our sensibilities and have crazy love for God.

I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon