Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday September 25, 2011

Hello! What a week it's been, I have been in bed for three days now trying to get over whatever plague I have. I am hoping that the next few days I will start feeling better.

This past week Brett shared with us a very important message about the time we have (or lack thereof)...that we have to make the most of the life that God has given us. It was a powerful message and if you missed it, please check it out on the website.

This week I will continue our series out of the Crazy Love book. Do you know that God loves you? That you are wanted? We are loved deeply by a God who created us and knows who we are. It's a simple idea, but so important.

I hope to see you Sunday! Please know that it is not only God that loves you, but I do as well.

~ Pastor Shannon

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