Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday November 13, 2011

Good morning! I hope that this finds you well. This week is the last "normal" week before we go into the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I truly enjoy this time of year, I hope you do as well!

The last two months we have been dealing with Frances Chan's "Crazy Love." It has been a blessing to me and I hope that you have a chance to read it, even if you aren't in one of our IOU groups.

Sunday is our last week of the series and I will be talking about the crux of the matter. We have been given all this information about loving God in a crazy way...but now what? Where do we go from here? I will be preaching on walking our talk.

I also want to remind you today that you are loved. I am praying for you and I hope you have a wonderful week!

~ Pastor Shannon

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