Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday August 5, 2012

Greetings!  What a lovely day it was today.  I hope that you are well and enjoying the summer.  This week we are focused on our major outreach event of the year: the Luau! I'm so excited for what's coming this Saturday.  Are you ready?

On Sunday we will have a special time of celebration and testimony.  It will not be like a normal service and there will not be a normal sermon.  Come ready to talk about what the Lord has done and is doing! 

Please be in prayer this week for the Luau, the people giving their time to serve at the Luau, and the people that will come to receive our love. 

~Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sunday July 29, 2012

Hello! I hope that you are enjoying this beautiful week.  The sun is great, the breeze is nice.  There is so much for which to be thankful. 

This Sunday in preparation for our Luau event, I will be preaching on Evangelism...but more specifically on listening for the Spirit's voice as we witness to those around us.  Are you in tune with the Holy Spirit? 

This week you also have a great opportunity to hear Jeanette Flynn up at Berlin Center camp meeting.  She is a straightforward preacher and will be preaching every night at 7pm.  I hope to see you there!

Remember that I am praying for you!
~Pastor Shannon

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday July 22, 2012

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying this sunny Monday morning.  I apologize for not posting last week.  The sermon for July 15th was from Romans 12:1-2.  I preached about Next Step Stewardship: Holistic Stewardship.  Stewardship isn't just about our time, talents or tithe...stewardship is about everything we have, everything we are.  I encouraged the congregation "do not withhold anything from God." You can check it on here on our website.

This week I will be concluding our Next Step Stewardship series.  This Sunday will be a celebration, it is All-Tithe-Sunday.  If all of Harvest Point Church brings their tithe into the storehouse, what can we do for God? I want to challenge you to bring your full tithe in this week, and we will see the potential Harvest Point Church has for kingdom work.

Remember: The Luau is coming soon - how can you help?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sermon July 8, 2012

Hello! What are you doing to celebrate the 4th this year?

On Sunday I will continue the Next Step Stewardship series.  I will be preaching on our time and talents.  What has God given us? What are we giving God? Is it enough? Stewardship means a lot more than money, come Sunday as we talk about it. 

I am praying for you
~Pastor Shannon