Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday July 22, 2012

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying this sunny Monday morning.  I apologize for not posting last week.  The sermon for July 15th was from Romans 12:1-2.  I preached about Next Step Stewardship: Holistic Stewardship.  Stewardship isn't just about our time, talents or tithe...stewardship is about everything we have, everything we are.  I encouraged the congregation "do not withhold anything from God." You can check it on here on our website.

This week I will be concluding our Next Step Stewardship series.  This Sunday will be a celebration, it is All-Tithe-Sunday.  If all of Harvest Point Church brings their tithe into the storehouse, what can we do for God? I want to challenge you to bring your full tithe in this week, and we will see the potential Harvest Point Church has for kingdom work.

Remember: The Luau is coming soon - how can you help?

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