Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday March 17, 2013

Greetings, I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! Today your challenge was to show God's love to others. Work on that throughout the week, how can you better show God's love to the people around you?  

This coming Sunday we are going to conclude our series on Extreme Love. We've dealt with:
Part 1) God's love for us
Part 2) Our love for God and
Part 3) Our love for others...

What do you think is the last part? In the scripture Matthew 22:34-40 there is a conditional statement there at the end of the second commandment: And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Do you see it? It says you shall love your neighbor as yourself.   What does that mean? Is it ok to love self? We are going to deal with those questions and more on Sunday. 

I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon

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