Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday October 6, 2013

Greetings, happy fall! I hope that you are enjoying this delightful weather. 

This fall we are zeroing in on the man who is Jesus.  Jesus is our reason for existing as a church, as a body...and we need to know him.  If we don't know Jesus we can't love him, and if we don't' love him we won't serve him. 

This Sunday, I will preach from Matthew 18:21-35 about forgiveness. Do you allow God to forgive you? How are you at forgiving others? What is the purpose of forgiveness? Read this scripture from Luke and if you'd like to read more check out Luke 7:36-50 as well.

Keep in mind that we will have a community meeting immediately following church this week to discuss our Next Step process, the loan process and a few others things.  Please plan to stay. 

Pastor Shannon

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