Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday November 24, 2013

This past Sunday we talked about Stewardship as Time Management.  Does God care what we do with our time? The answer is yes! Time is a gift and we need to use it for God's purposes. 

This Sunday we will conclude our Stewardship series by talking about Money and Assets.  As we have been discussing from Psalm 24:1, everything we have is God's.  We are called to manage it well and be good stewards of the gifts we have been given.  We have so much trouble being good stewards of our money and stuff! But it is not out of duty that we give, it comes from our thankfulness from the generosity of God, who has blessed us so richly.  Come as we discuss it. 

On Sunday evening we will worship together with churches from all over Lordstown.  It will be a good time of fellowship! Join us at 7pm and stay after for refreshments. 

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