Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holy Week: Tuesday

Holy Week Readings: Tuesday April 15

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Reaction to cursing the fig tree on the way back from Jerusalem (Mark 11:20-26)
* Debates with the religious leaders in Jerusalem and teaching in the temple (Matthew 21:23 - 23:39; Mark 11:27 - 12:44)
* Eschatological Discourse on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24:3-44; Mark 13:1-37)

Prayer: Spend time thinking about these conversations, what do they mean to you? Pray for understanding. 

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