Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday September 7, 2014

Greetings! Here we are in September already, my how this year has flown by! I am excited for all things fall; at the church we are preparing to start IOU groups, have a youth group kick-off party for this new year and looking forward to meeting with Myler to hear about our building!

This week, I am continuing the "Vision" series. After we've dealt with what, why, when, where, who...we are going to finish with how? How do we implement the vision? There are three areas I will be focusing on, to implement the vision we need to be totally committed to: prayer, serving and giving. This week we will look closely at prayer. 

I hope that you can join us and stay afterwards for an important community meeting! 


Pastor Shannon

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday August 24, 2014

Hello! This is the day the Lord has made, be glad and rejoice! Where can you find joy in this day?

On Sunday I will continue speaking about Vision. Today we dealt with why? and what? This coming Sunday I will deal with the who questions. Who are we in the vision? Who are we reaching? Who is God in all of this? Come and find out!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sunday August 17, 2014

Greetings! Last week we celebrated our 5th annual Luau and it was a wonderful event! We hosted 20% more guests than last year and had a beautiful day for free community fun! Thank you for being a part of this great event.

On Sunday, I will begin a new series: Vision.  What does God have in store for us? Why are we building? These are important questions and we need to all be on the same page. What is the vision for Harvest Point Church of God in the future?

I hope that this finds each one of you well. Know that you are loved and prayed for!

~Pastor Shannon

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday August 10, 2014

This Saturday is our major outreach event of the year. Please plan to be there this Saturday to help! We need everyone to get involved. Some of our people come early to set up (8am) if you can help then, please everyone be there by 10am so that we can pray and make sure we are ready to open up.

This coming Sunday we will celebrate as we consider our Luau. We will also have a picnic at the Pandrea's home following service. Come and celebrate with us, consider what the Lord has done!