Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday October 5, 2014

Hello! Welcome to October. This week we were able to meet with Myler and we saw drawing for our building! What an exciting time in the life of our church. If you missed the meeting, feel free to ask questions or come by.

This week our IOU groups are starting. IOU means Inward, Outward and Upward and refers to the type of growth we need to do as disciples of Christ. We need to work internally on ourselves, we need to focus outward on those around us, and we need to focus upward on God. We have three groups for you to join: Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.

This fall we are studying "What Do You Do With Your Wait?" It is a biblical small group study on spending the time in wait with purpose. As we wait for our new building, ministry needs to still be happening! Join us for one of our groups and on Sunday mornings as I preach along with the topic!

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