Monday, September 24, 2012

Sunday September 30, 2012

Here we are at the end of September already! What an exciting year 2012 has been so far - and we still have three more months to get the most out of. 

This past Sunday we heard our vision laid out for us once again - we talked about the questions: who are we? where have we been? and where are we going? This next few months I will be giving clarity to each one of these pieces.  This Sunday we will talk more about our identity.  Who are we? What do we believe? What is the understanding of our faith? Come as we discuss these questions and more!

If you are part of an IOU group these questions coincide with pages 211-219 of your book (the information you will discuss this week in group). 

I hope you are enjoying the start of fall, I am praying for you!

Pastor Shannon

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