Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Global Gathering 2013 #2


After the last part of the week I am so excited to share a few things with you.  The Global Gathering was such a wonderful week of fellowship, worship and the joining together of the people of God.  You still have the opportunity to experience the services: Global Gathering Services.

As I noted earlier: along with our sister churches (Pastor David Aukerman  from Mt. Haley Church of God and Pastor Jonathan Frymire from Orchard View Church of God) I got to meet our delegate Sudipta Nanda at the Global Gathering.  Sudipta is such a lovely man, he is sincere and fun!  I was delighted to meet him and listen as he shared about his ministry.  Read David's reaction to the connection: David on Sudipta and connectivity

During the week the offerings from every service went towards Water4 (go to their website to check it out).  We gathered $106,000 and an anonymous donor pledged to give $4 for every $1 donated.  Therefore the Church of God will send over $500,000 to build wells for clean water!  We also packed over 260,000 meals.  The experience was truly a time where I saw the people of God at work.  But it can't stop in Anderson! We've got to continue the mission to help meet people's needs (both physical and spiritual).  And so I bring the challenge back to you, what can we do? How can we continue to stand together and share God with the world?

After the Global Gathering, ministers and delegates from Church of God churches gathered for our annual GA (General Assembly).  At this year's session we welcomed a new General Director, Rev. Jim Lyon.  Please be in prayer for Rev. Lyon as he begins the responsibility of leading the Church of God into the future. 

If you have more questions, I'd love to tell you more! I come back to you excited and ready for the ministry we can do at Harvest Point Church. 

~Pastor Shannon

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