Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sermon August 2, 2009

Can you believe that it is almost August? Where has the year gone? Where has the summer gone? Life moves so fast, remember to slow yourself down and appreciate the blessings God has given you.

This week we are going to be studying Ephesians 5:21-33, submit to one another. This is a tricky text, one which is used many times out of context. Be sure to come Sunday as we work through it together.

In Christ~
Pastor Shannon


  1. Thank you for the scripture to read. I know we are saved by grace but that said to me that you can't live a sinful life and go to heaven so works plays a part in our salvation. I am anxious to hear your sermon on this. I teach Sunday so I will listen to it from the webpage.

  2. This is Cindy Gray. I put anonymous because that was the only option I thought I could use. I will sign my name next time.

  3. Glad to hear the online sermons are still being enjoyed. I should have the 8/2 sermon uploaded in the next day or two.

    The sermon was very good on the point that a blessed marriage means that the partners must submit/commit to each other. It's not a one way street! Thanks again pastor Shannon.
