Monday, July 20, 2009

Sermon July 26, 2009

Because of my surgery we are going to continue our Ephesians series this week. I will be preaching from Ephesians 4:25-5:2. We will be talking about what it means to live in love in the way that we speak to one another.

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday morning for the service and then we will move on to Sam and Vera's for a picnic. Remember to bring a dish with you to share!

Pastor Shannon


  1. Live in Love ... a great message for us all! Thank you Pastor Shannon.

    The picnic was a great time as expected. Next time I had better remember to wear a hat or put on sun screen. BIG BURNT FOREHEAD KEV!

  2. Oh No! I tried to stay out of the sun, so I made it without a burn. Aloe is your friend!
