Monday, August 3, 2009

August 9, 2009 Installation Sunday

This Sunday is a special Sunday, it is my installation service. I am very excited to have many family members and friends coming to share with us in this event. There will also be Church of God state and NEO disctrict representatives and maybe even some officials from Lordtown.

Preaching this week is one of my dear professors, Dr. James Lewis. You can check out his web page if you would like here. Brett and I like to say that Dr. Lewis has a black belt in preaching, we are so delighted to have him and we will certainly be blessed.

We hope to see you Sunday for this special event!

1) Remember that we are having a baptism on August 30, 2009. Please contact me if you would like to be baptized.

2) We are going to begin work for the Community Labor Day Luau. Please let me know if you'd like to be on the committee. We hope that everyone in the church will participate, but we need a committee to make some plans!

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