Monday, December 28, 2009

Sermon January 3, 2010

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Do you have exciting plans for celebrating New Year's? This Sunday we will have a special guest, Ron Baker from Newton Falls is coming to talk about Children of Promise - a mission that helps children. Brett and I will be travelling and will not be there, but we support two children of promise, it's a great organization.

We will look forward to seeing you next week!

Happy New Year~
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sermon December 27, 2009

Good Afternoon!

I hope that you are having a wonderful Christmas week. I pray that you will have a wonderful time with whatever you are doing and wherever you are. This Sunday we will be talking about what God has done for us in the past year...we're going to do some review and thank God for the blessings in 2009! Come ready to participate!

Also, this Thursday is our first Christmas Eve service as a church, how exciting! We understand that there are many family things going in this week, so we certainly understand if you cannot be there. For those who can, we will sing Christmas songs, take communion, hear the Christmas story and have a candlelit ending. It will be a lovely time.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sermon December 20, 2009

This Sunday is Christmas Sunday! We will be worshiping through music, the Word and even a skit! I hope that you will join us this Sunday as we celebrate. I will be preaching on love - for God so loved the world He sent His one and only son - now that's love!

~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sermon December 13, 2009

This week I saw some snow, very little, but it was there. Winter is upon us and we are only a few weeks from Christmas day!

Joy to the world! That's what I will preach on this week - the joy unspeakable that we have a Christians. Do you know the difference been joy and happiness? Come Sunday and find out. I look forward to seeing you there!

~ Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sermon December 6, 2009

Good Afternoon! I continue to be amazed at the weather that we are having even now in the beginning of December! I know it won't last so I am enjoying it now.

Sunday is the second week of Advent, I will be talking about Peace. Peace on Earth - it's what we sing about every Christmas, it's what beauty queens wish for; but what is it really, what did Jesus have to say about it and how can we accomplish it? Come Sunday and find out!

~ Pastor Shannon