Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sermon December 20, 2009

This Sunday is Christmas Sunday! We will be worshiping through music, the Word and even a skit! I hope that you will join us this Sunday as we celebrate. I will be preaching on love - for God so loved the world He sent His one and only son - now that's love!

~ Pastor Shannon

1 comment:

  1. I'm truly impressed with Art's acting abilities in the skit. He had his lines down and didn't miss a word. Well, Dana and I didn't forget a word either. Or should I say we didn't have a word to forget. Jewel did the old school cheating trick of writing his lines on this hand. Once he did that, he had them memorized and didn't have to cheat. It was a good skit that was enjoyed by everyone, especially the Big Guy. Thanks to Cindy E. and Vivian for setting the production in motion. Merry Christmas from Harvest Point.
