Monday, January 3, 2011

Sermon January 9, 2011

This past week we dealt with New Year's resolutions - the Spiritual kind. Many of us don't take the time to think about our spiritual selves when we make resolutions. Have you made a decision about what your 2011 spiritual resolution will be?

Remember as you strive to keep your resolution the 4 steps:
1) Set goals (and make sure they are manageable)
2) Keep your eye on the goal (keep it in front of you)
3) Tell a family member or friend (enlist support!)
4) Expect bumps in the road (and don't let them get you down)

As we continue in our New Years series "How to Start the Year off Right: Making 2011 our Best Year Yet" I will be preaching from Philippians, in preparation you can read Philippians 3:12-4:1. This week we will talk about forgiving the past and looking towards the future.

I'll see you Sunday!
Pastor Shannon

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