Monday, January 17, 2011

Sunday January 23, 2011

Hello! I hope that you are having a wonderful day. How is your 2011 starting out? As we walk through our series "Starting the Year Off Right: How to Make 2011 Your Best Year Yet!" I hope that you are getting some good ideas of how you can make this your best year yet and how we as a congregation can make 2011 our best year.

Last week I spoke on the Value of Time - using the time God has given you for God's purposes. We sure waste a lot of time don't we? We read Psalm 90:1-12 and talked about the contrast between a God who is without time and those of us who are tethered to it. How do you spend your time? Is it worth it?

This week we are going to discuss a similar topic - Right Priorities. Our priorities determine how we spend our time so they are very closely tied. We have to make sure that we live with right priorities so that we use our time wisely for God. I will preaching from Haggai 1:1-15. Haggai is only two chapters, go ahead and read the whole book!

Remember that if you miss a Sunday you can listen to the sermons here. I'm looking forward to seeing you this week!
~Pastor Shannon

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