Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sunday March 13, 2011

Good afternoon! I hope that this day finds you well. Today is Ash Wednesday, which is the start of the Easter season! This is a very important season in the church - the season that reminds us of the sacrifice of Jesus and it reminds us why we have life! The next month and a half is a time of remembering and a time of celebration for because He lives we can face tomorrow!

This Sunday I will be starting the Focus 40 series - a series that we are participating in with the rest of the Church of God. Focus 40 is a series that helps us to focus in on God through prayer and fasting. Can you imagine what good will be accomplished by the prayers of the people of God?

This Sunday I will be preaching on the heart of fasting. The sermon will answer the question "Why do (should) we fast?" Come and join with us in worship this Sunday!

Remember that you are loved!
~ Pastor Shannon

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