Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday March 27, 2011

It's spring, how wonderful! Spring is a great reminder to us as Christians of new life and new growth. Have you enjoyed the beautiful sunshine we've had? I know I have!

We are now fully into our Focus 40 event - 40 days of prayer and fasting to focus on the things of God and renew our relationship with our Creator.

The last few weeks we have been talking about fasting. Have you decided how you are going to participate in Focus 40? Since there are so many different ways to fast, it is possible for all of us to participate in some way, in what way is God calling you to fast?

This Sunday I will be preaching on hungering and thirsting after God. We get hunger pains for food and thirst for water - in what ways do we hunger and thirst for God? We've talked a lot about the practical side of fasting, the whys and the how-to's, but this Sunday we will talk about really longing for God.

See you there!
Pastor Shannon

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