Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sunday January 13, 2013

Oh my! I apologize for the long absence! With Christmas and the New Year I guess I got busy.  I hope that your holiday's were wonderful, I am sure glad to be back into a normal routine. 

On December 30 I gave a "State of the Church Address."  I talked about the last few years, how far we've come and some challenges that face us as we move forward.  Last week I started a series on getting involved based on Acts 1:1-8.  Following the call in Matthew 28:19-20, in Acts Jesus informs his disciples "you will be my witnesses...to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  Our call is the same - to go into the world proclaiming the good news!

On January 6, we talked about how to get involved at Harvest Point Church; In widening this circle, this week we will look at how to get involved at a local level - outside of the church.  I have been challenging the congregation in this way - pray for how God can use you (in our church and beyond).  Commit yourself to God and God's work and just imagine what we could do together for the Kingdom!

I love each one of you and I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon

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