Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunday January 27, 2013

Following our series on Acts 1:8, I think we should discuss that if we are doing this right, we will be drawing people to God and perhaps also drawing people to the church. So then we must ask ourselves...if people are people drawn to God - are we welcoming them in?

Jesus welcomed sinners and ate with them (Luke 15:1-2).  The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not like this.  We are called to follow Christ's examples.  He welcomed anyone and everyone who would come to him - we are to do the same - to welcome them as brothers and sisters and love them like our own.  So how are we doing? Are we welcoming people? Are we a welcoming church? Do people feel welcomed, safe and loved in our midst? This week we'll assess how we're doing.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning for worship!
Pastor Shannon

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