Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday June 23, 2013

Happy Father's Day to all you men out there who have supported us, loved us and helped us with our journey!

This coming Sunday Susan Tatarka will continue preaching from our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform. She will discuss with you the difference between Going to Church and Being the Church.  Is there a difference? Is the church a place or a people? Come and find out!

This week Brett and I will go to Anderson, IN like every June.  However, this year instead of a regular North American Convention, the Church of God is putting on a Global Gathering!  It's going to be an exciting time and there are a lot of ways for you to be involved:

1) You can go to the Church of God website and get information: CHOG website (You can watch the services there too!)
2) You can come Sunday night (June 23) and experience a worship service with a live feed from Anderson at 7:30pm at our church. 
3) You can keep up with this blog through the week, I will post about the experience and what I'm learning!

I am praying for each one of you, you are loved!
Pastor Shannon

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