Monday, February 17, 2014

Sunday February 23, 2014


We have heard this past month about how God is making all things new.  What this means practically is that our lives will change (for the better)! The Church of God holds to two ideals that come from a life that is changed, two foundations which we live by: Holiness and Unity.  On Sunday I preached on Holiness from 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.  This Sunday I will preach on Unity.  What does it mean to work together for the cause of Christ? What does being new have to do with our connection with others?

Our IOU groups (Inward, Outward and Upward focused small groups) start up again this week. Sunday the 23rd, Tuesday the 25th and Friday the 28th.  Are you part of a group?

I am praying for you!
Pastor Shannon

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