Saturday, June 23, 2012

NAC Saturday June 23

I am blogging from the Church of God's North American Convention this week.  Today was a good day! I went to a conference by Church Builders Plus (taught by Charles Shumate) and learned about Capital Fund Campaign's and the importance of vision for the church in forward movement.  It was very helpful information.  Hopefully in the next few months we will be working with Church Builders Plus as we move forward!

The service tonight was a great service of worship.  Sam and Vera’s granddaughter, Erin (Moss) Taylor, preached a beautiful sermon about the breath of God.  Breathe deep the breath of God for renewal, for strength, for comfort...

I am meeting up with a lot of other pastor’s, with colleagues from seminary, and of course many friends here. 

Pray for Brett and I as we lead conferences Monday.  I am praying for all of you and remember that you can watch the services online! CHOG NAC

Pastor Shannon

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