Sunday, June 24, 2012

NAC Sunday June 24

Sunday at NAC:

I heard two wonderful sermons today. 

This morning Ann Smith (a mighty woman of God), preached about hope.  It was a lovely sermon that touched me deeply even in the simplicity of the message.  We all have this hope deep within us, but it has been dirtied by the world and our hurts and just life, but God can come and clean it with his grace.  “In Christ alone, my hope is found…”

This evening, Hector Gonzalez preached about our relationship with God – “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” It is time to refresh our relationship with God, to make it vigorous again, to receive power to be bold! It was an empowering sermon about the importance of our relationship with God. 

What a blessing to be able to hear the Word of God!  Please be in prayer for Brett and I, our conferences are tomorrow!

~Pastor Shannon

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