Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday July 1, 2012

Dear friends,

Hello! I come to you today from the North American Convention of the Church of God.  So far the time has been wonderful (services, conferences and connecting with other pastors).  I hope that you are well! If you would like to get involved go here: Church of God NAC.  Also, please be in prayer for Brett and I as we lead conferences tomorrow (Monday June 25). 

In light of our new direction as a church, in looking for a permanent place, this July I will be focusing on the stewardship of our resources (Next Step Stewardship!).  This Sunday, I will introduce the series and talk about out tithes and offerings.  This is an exciting time in the life of our church and it is important to know how God can lead us in our giving. 

You are loved!
Pastor Shannon

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