Thursday, June 28, 2012

NAC Wednesday June 27

Wednesday started like Tuesday in General Assembly meetings.  In the final session of the GA this year we voted on some bylaws, heard from a lot of affiliated agencies (including the four Church of God schools of higher education).  It's exciting to see what the church is doing across the country. 

After GA, I went straight over to the Church of God ministries and was involved in a meeting that lasted until dinner. 

I had dinner with three of my seminary friends who are now in ministry (a great time of conversation) and then we went to the evening service. 

The evening service on Wednesday night was wonderful - it was a heritage service that moved through the history of the Church of God.  There were several speakers who talked about how they got where they are, and the people along their path (we all have someone, or some people, who have helped us to get where we are in our faith).

There was also a short sermon by D.S. Warner (well someone playing D.S Warner),  some videos about the Chog heritage, we sang heritage hymns, contemporary hymns, the choir did an awesome gospel song and we even heard a Christian rap. The service was a very cool mixture of old and new, heritage and contemporary, young leaders and old leaders.  I was so glad to be a part. You can check it out here: Heritage Service

This week has been so great, so tiring, so refreshing, a little emotionally overwhelming but overall fantastic.  It's so important to be connected to the church at large, what a great week it has been. 

I look forward to being back at Harvest Point, however, and this Sunday we will start our Next Step Stewardship series as we move towards what God is doing at our church. 

Pastor Shannon

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