Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday July 28, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are keeping cool in this weather, it's warm but beautiful!  Brett and I will be leaving at the end of the week for vacation.  Elder Ken Evans is on call in case of an emergency. 

On Sunday we have a special treat! Missionary Dan Kihm will be with us. For the last 8 years, Dan has been a senior Pastor in Anderson, IN.  He and his wife Christy are leaving soon as missionaries to the Netherlands.  He will share first about his coming ministry in the Netherlands and he will also preach about external discipleship, following the same series that we have been in the last few weeks.  I hope you will come and hear from this man of God!

This Saturday Berlin Center Camp Meeting starts!  There are a lot of great opportunities for children, youth and adults! Check it out here: Berlin Center Camp Meeting.

Pastor Shannon

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