Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday December 29, 2013

Merry Christmas to you and your family! I pray that you will have a safe and joyful holiday.

Post Christmas can be hard: the let down of all the excitement, the family leaves, the decorations come do we keep hold of the joy, peace, hope and love that we have during advent? Come as we discuss holding on to Christmas in your hearts and moving into a brand new year.

I am praying for you and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Solid Rock

This is the song I used during the sermon yesterday.  Take time and worship today!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday December 22, 2013

Hello! I hope you are finding joy this holiday season.  I know the holiday season can be hard for some, I pray peace for you this year. 

On Sunday I will continue preaching on the gifts of Christmas by discussing Love! Love (along with joy, hope and peace) is a gift of the advent season as we await the telling of the coming of the Christ Child.  In fact, love is what it all comes down to.  Love is the greatest of all of these. 

Advent is a time of expectation and waiting - an exciting time of year when we celebrate the gift of Emmanuel - God with us.  Join us Sunday as we celebrate once again, let's celebrate the love that came to us in the Christ child so many years ago. 

On Tuesday, December 24th we will have a Christmas Eve service.  We will sing carols, take communion together and sing by candlelight.  This is a family friendly service, so bring your whole family and celebrate our reason for joy, peace, hope and love!

Blessings to you,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday December 15, 2013

Greetings! I hope that this finds you well as we move towards the last few weeks of 2013!

This coming Sunday we will continue with the gifts of Christmas by discussing Hope! Hope (along with joy, peace and love) is a gift of the advent season as we await the telling of the coming of the Christ Child.  Advent is a time of expectation and waiting - an exciting time of year when we celebrate the gift of Emmanuel - God with us.  Join us Sunday as we celebrate once again.

Plan to stay after church on Sunday as we discuss our Next Steps.  We have a wonderful piece of land, but what now!? How do we move on from here?

I am praying for each one of you,
Pastor Shannon

Monday, December 2, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are back to normal life safe and sound.

On Sunday we will continue with the gifts of Christmas by discussing Peace! Peace (along with joy, hope and love) is a gift of the advent season as we await the telling of the coming of the Christ Child.  Advent is a time of expectation and waiting - an exciting time of year when we celebrate the gift of Emmanuel - God with us.  Join us Sunday as we celebrate once again.

Speaking of expectation and waiting...if you weren't at church Sunday you missed a big announcement! Brett and I are expecting our first child! We are beyond joyful in anticipation of this new journey we will take together.  We covet your prayers.

Know that you are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sunday December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving week! I hope that you are able to enjoy some time with the people that you love this week.  Also spend time thanking God for all of the blessings you have been given!

This Sunday we start the Advent season, I will begin by preaching about Joy! Which is one of the gifts of Christmas.  Come as we kick off the season with a service of celebration and joy and a special surprise gift for the church.  You won't want to miss it!

You are loved,
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday November 24, 2013

This past Sunday we talked about Stewardship as Time Management.  Does God care what we do with our time? The answer is yes! Time is a gift and we need to use it for God's purposes. 

This Sunday we will conclude our Stewardship series by talking about Money and Assets.  As we have been discussing from Psalm 24:1, everything we have is God's.  We are called to manage it well and be good stewards of the gifts we have been given.  We have so much trouble being good stewards of our money and stuff! But it is not out of duty that we give, it comes from our thankfulness from the generosity of God, who has blessed us so richly.  Come as we discuss it. 

On Sunday evening we will worship together with churches from all over Lordstown.  It will be a good time of fellowship! Join us at 7pm and stay after for refreshments. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday November 10, 2013

Hello! I hope this finds you well.  It's coming very quickly on my favorite time of year - the holiday season.  There is so much to be grateful for as we contemplate Thanksgiving. 

On Sunday, I will start a stewardship series.  It's always good to remember that we need to manage our resources well, especially when we understand that all that we have comes from a generous God.  On Sunday I will talk about "Stewardship as a Lifestyle."  It's not just a choice we make once in awhile, it's who we are called to be holistically. 

Remember that you are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday November 3, 2013

Greetings, here we are moving into the last few months of 2013.  What a great year we've had so far, there is lots going on and lots more to come. 

On Sunday we will hear from David Cross.  He is closing out our series on Jesus by preaching from John 5:1-18 on Jesus healing the man by the pool.  He asks a very important question, "do you want to be made well?" This is a deep question for us all to ponder.  Join us as we discuss this great story.

I am on vacation this week, but I am missing you all.  I will see you back next week!
Pastor Shannon

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sunday October 27, 2013

Greetings! Things have started to get cold, but you can always come and warm up at church!

This Sunday, I will be preaching from John 20: 19-23.  We've heard some amazing stories about Jesus, but Jesus no longer walks the can we connect with him? What does this scripture tell us?

I am praying for each one of you and hope that you are well,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday October 13, 2013

Hello! Welcome to October, what an beautiful fall it has been so far.  I'm looking forward to our Harvest Party and Trunks of Treats that are coming along soon. 

On Sunday, I will preach from Matthew 20:1-16.  It is the story of the laborers in the vineyard and I think it is a beautiful story of the generosity of salvation.  Come as we hear this story and discover what we can learn from it. 

The youth group meets this Wednesday, please be in prayer for them as they figure out who they are, how they relate to God and how to live in the world as Christians.

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday October 6, 2013

Greetings, happy fall! I hope that you are enjoying this delightful weather. 

This fall we are zeroing in on the man who is Jesus.  Jesus is our reason for existing as a church, as a body...and we need to know him.  If we don't know Jesus we can't love him, and if we don't' love him we won't serve him. 

This Sunday, I will preach from Matthew 18:21-35 about forgiveness. Do you allow God to forgive you? How are you at forgiving others? What is the purpose of forgiveness? Read this scripture from Luke and if you'd like to read more check out Luke 7:36-50 as well.

Keep in mind that we will have a community meeting immediately following church this week to discuss our Next Step process, the loan process and a few others things.  Please plan to stay. 

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday September 29, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are well today and enjoying the start of fall. 

On Sunday I will preach from John 8:1-11.  Jesus taught in so many ways: in how he lived, by what he preached and even sometimes just by asking simple questions that make us consider our actions. Are we too quick to condemn others? How does Jesus respond to the person caught in sin? What is Jesus teaching us in this passage? 

This Wednesday the Elders and the Next Step Team are meeting to discuss options as we move forward.  Please be in prayer for us as we continue with this process. 

You are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Thursday, September 19, 2013

SHAPE experience


I am now most of the way done with training to be a SHAPE leader. SHAPE stands for Sustaining Health and Pastoral Excellence. Learn more here: SHAPE.

The time of training walks us through the SHAPE process so that we know the experience and what to expect.  However, while we are training we are also being ministered to.  Paul Dreger, the national SHAPE coordinator has been walking me through this along with two other pastors from NEO: Rev. Jonathan Holloway from Massillon and Rev. Brian Smith. 

So far, the process has been really powerful.  SHAPE is hard in that it encourages you to deal with the things in your life that are holding you down or holding you back from your life and ministry potential.  We don't like to look at our messy-ness, but it is so necessary in becoming healthy (emotionally and spiritually)!  SHAPE encourages us to have a plan in place for our personal life and for our ministry - so that we are working towards healthy and Godly goals and paths. It's both good and hard, but totally necessary for healthy leadership.

As a leader, I will have several other pastors in my group. Together we will go through the three year program where we will deal with these same things; as well as encouraging each other, doing ministry together, reading and learning together and praying together.  

SHAPE is a terribly important ministry not just for me as your pastor, but for you as the congregation.  A healthy pastor is much better equipped to lead a church. Please pray for me as I continue in the training process and also as begin to lead a group (starting in January of 2014). 

And if you have questions, please ask! I'd love to talk to you about this process,
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Proof of Your Love

Sunday as we practiced loving our enemies by praying for them, I played this song.  The words are impactful, take a listen:

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunday September 22, 2013

This Sunday is the first Sunday of fall! I love fall! I am so excited for crisp weather, long sleeves, harvest parties and everything pumpkin. 

No one likes to be told they are wrong...but when it comes from a place of love and concern, we can learn and grow from it.  On Sunday I will preach from Luke 10:38-42.  It's a story that has impacted me greatly in my ministry, Jesus gives a gentle rebuke.  What can we learn from this scripture? What does this scripture say about Jesus? Come for the conversation, worship with us!

I am praying for you this week!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday September 15, 2013

Good afternoon! I hope that you are doing well, how is God blessing you this week?

Much of Jesus' ministry was teaching.  He taught us so many things that we see throughout the Bible.  On Sunday, I will preach from Matthew 5:38-48 (you can also look at Luke 6:27-36 if you would like). The scripture is concerning Jesus' teaching on retaliation and love for enemies.  How are we to respond? What is our responsibility as Christians? What does this scripture mean for us? What does it say about who Jesus is?

Come ready to worship!

This week, please be in prayer for the church as we move forward in the loan process.  Pray for God's will to be done.

Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sunday September 8, 2013

Greetings! I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of September and were able to rest this holiday weekend. 

We have been discussing discipleship, on Sunday I talked about the importance of Jesus as the center of both internal and external discipleship. We are going to turn our focus to Jesus - the center of all we do. This Sunday I will preach from Luke 2:41-52, where Jesus was found in the temple as a young boy. 

I am praying for each one of you this week,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday August 26, 2013

Can you believe we are already at the end of August!? How quickly summer has gone by and now we enter into delightful fall full of fun events and crisp weather.

This Sunday I will continue to preach on internal discipleship.  What is it that God is working on in you? We can never become stagnant in the faith - we must continue to be shaped by the Word and we must continue to allow God to transform us.  We are told in Matthew 4:18-22 that Jesus will make us into fishers of men...if we allow God to work we can truly become disciples.  Read John 15:1-2 in preparation. 

Please know that you are loved and I am praying for you,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday August 18, 2013

Greetings! What a fantastic weekend we have had! Another great Luau on Saturday and today we celebrated both the Luau and the forward movement to buy land.  What an exciting time it is in the life of our church!

On Sunday I will start dealing with internal discipleship.  In order to be who God wants us to be, we have to take care of ourselves, we must set boundaries, we must participate in not only discipling but being discipled.  We too have room to grow. 

After church we will have a fun afternoon at the Robinson's for a pool party.  Bring your towel and a dish to share!

I am praying for you,
Pastor Shannon

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday August 11, 2013

With only a few short days until our Luau, I hope that you will be in prayer for the event, for all of the people who we will come into contact with and that God will be at work among us.  I am so excited for our 4th annual Luau, this Saturday, August 10th. 

On Sunday we will celebrate.  With a major event behind us we will look at what God is doing and celebrate the mighty works of a great God. We have so much for which to be thankful, come ready to testify to what the Lord is doing.  This is an important Sunday, I hope you will come to listen and come to participate!

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday August 4, 2013

This week, Brett and I are on vacation, but we will be back Sunday and are looking forward to an exciting day!  This coming Sunday we will finalize Luau details and also we will vote on our new property! Are you ready to step forward into God's plan for our church? I know I am, and I am so excited to be taking this journey with you!

On August 4th, I am preaching from Matthew 9 and 10. I am going to be talking about the call of Jesus on the lives of the disciples.  We will discuss the instructions that he gave them and we will learn about the process of outreach.  Come as we prepare for our Luau, the biggest outreach event of our year.  It's coming soon, on Saturday August 10th! Are you ready to meet with the people?

I love you and I am praying for you while I am gone,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday July 28, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are keeping cool in this weather, it's warm but beautiful!  Brett and I will be leaving at the end of the week for vacation.  Elder Ken Evans is on call in case of an emergency. 

On Sunday we have a special treat! Missionary Dan Kihm will be with us. For the last 8 years, Dan has been a senior Pastor in Anderson, IN.  He and his wife Christy are leaving soon as missionaries to the Netherlands.  He will share first about his coming ministry in the Netherlands and he will also preach about external discipleship, following the same series that we have been in the last few weeks.  I hope you will come and hear from this man of God!

This Saturday Berlin Center Camp Meeting starts!  There are a lot of great opportunities for children, youth and adults! Check it out here: Berlin Center Camp Meeting.

Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Institution of the Church

A group of my friends and I have been having a discussion on the topic of the institution of the church, and as I began to think about it I started with “Why do *I* love the church?”

The church has been a parent to me in a sense: a stable foundation that has always been there. It is one of the few things that has been a constant in my life.  And sure, there have been moments when I disagree with the way the church functions, but still I love her.  I speak fondly of the church and get defensive if someone insults her.  The church has made me who I am.  For better or for worse, I am where I am today and who I am today in part because of the institution of the church. To my great joy, the institution of the church is why I have dear friends and my husband. I love the church.      

This is my basis, what has kept me generally positive towards the intuition of church.  However, it speaks only to why *I* am able to love the church, and my situation is different from many. 
In addressing the issue of why it is cool to love the institution of the church and to stay committed even when it’s difficult…I will address you as I address any person who is trying to understand why I do what I do (which happens often).

And to them, this is what I say, it’s cool to love the church because I believe in the good it can do….I believe in what it can produce.  Although the church does not always function as it ought to function, much good can come from this institution…here are just a few:

Love: Any person who has heard me preach knows that this is my foundation, the most important thing.  Human beings want to be loved, we crave it, we desire it and *I* think we need it to survive.  The church can give that to us.  If the church is functioning correctly she will live in love, she will function on love, love will be her foundation because “God is love” and so should the institution that follows God. 

Unity: The church gathers because of one thing, God, who brings together all people.  People of all ages, all races, male and female, tall and short, baseball fans and football fans, republicans, democrats…we may have no other reason to gather but for connection to God. And the place we gather is the institution of the church. People need unity, they need to feel accepted and to belong – the church is this place where (ideally) ALL are welcome, ALL belong.   

Jesus: Yes, the institution of the church is how people can meet Jesus. And Jesus is what people ultimately really and truly need. 

When the institution of the church is functioning properly, so much good can come from her.  So many people can find what they are looking for. This is why it’s ok to love the church, even when it’s difficult, because the potential is enormous.    

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sermon July 21, 2013

Greetings! I pray that you are well this week. 

We have been talking about discipleship, this month with a special focus on external discipleship as we head toward the Luau - our largest outreach event of the year.  A few questions I've been asked regarding my faith life:  why become a Christian before you're on your death bed? Is there any reason to follow Christ besides to get into heaven? If we believe the only point of Christianity is getting a place in heaven, why do we disciple others? I want to address these questions, so come Sunday as we hash this out.  Read 2 Corinthians 4 in preparation.

We had an exciting meeting this morning!  If you want information regarding our future place of worship please contact me. 

I am praying for each one of you!
Pastor Shannon

Friday, July 12, 2013

Sunday July 14, 2013

Hello! This week I will be preaching from Genesis 1:26-27.  How can these verses be a basis for evangelism or outward discipleship? Come and find out!

Also, plan to stay after the service for an exciting announcement regarding our future place of worship!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sunday July 7, 2013

Greetings! After a long week of the wonderful Global Gathering and many meetings - it is nice to be home.  I pray that you are well as we start a new month!

This Sunday I will begin preaching about Discipleship.  We are going to look at inward and outward discipleship over the next two months.  As we head towards our annual Luau (on August 10th) a time where we meet many people who do not have the hope that comes from Jesus Christ, we are going to talk about outward discipleship.  Maybe you use the term evangelism? or witnessing? Whatever you call it - the idea is the same.  The Bible calls us to "make disciples" (Matthew 28), to "seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10), to be God's witnesses (Acts 1).  Why? For what purpose? Let's find out!

I am praying for each one of you,
Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Global Gathering 2013 #2


After the last part of the week I am so excited to share a few things with you.  The Global Gathering was such a wonderful week of fellowship, worship and the joining together of the people of God.  You still have the opportunity to experience the services: Global Gathering Services.

As I noted earlier: along with our sister churches (Pastor David Aukerman  from Mt. Haley Church of God and Pastor Jonathan Frymire from Orchard View Church of God) I got to meet our delegate Sudipta Nanda at the Global Gathering.  Sudipta is such a lovely man, he is sincere and fun!  I was delighted to meet him and listen as he shared about his ministry.  Read David's reaction to the connection: David on Sudipta and connectivity

During the week the offerings from every service went towards Water4 (go to their website to check it out).  We gathered $106,000 and an anonymous donor pledged to give $4 for every $1 donated.  Therefore the Church of God will send over $500,000 to build wells for clean water!  We also packed over 260,000 meals.  The experience was truly a time where I saw the people of God at work.  But it can't stop in Anderson! We've got to continue the mission to help meet people's needs (both physical and spiritual).  And so I bring the challenge back to you, what can we do? How can we continue to stand together and share God with the world?

After the Global Gathering, ministers and delegates from Church of God churches gathered for our annual GA (General Assembly).  At this year's session we welcomed a new General Director, Rev. Jim Lyon.  Please be in prayer for Rev. Lyon as he begins the responsibility of leading the Church of God into the future. 

If you have more questions, I'd love to tell you more! I come back to you excited and ready for the ministry we can do at Harvest Point Church. 

~Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Global Gathering 2013


What a wonderful week it has been so far here in Anderson.  I have greatly enjoyed being able to relax and enjoy the worship, the sermons, the connections and just the whole Gathering in general. 

The preaching has been wonderful and inspirational.  I have heard the hearts of ministers from all around the globe who have put their hope in God.  They have spoken about Christ - the head of the church, they have encouraged us as the body of Christ to stand together, they have spoken honestly and shared their stories.  It has been wonderful to hear from these men and women of God.

The worship has been uplifting and emotional.  I have learned new songs, sung the hymns of the church and listened as saints (in other languages) sang out the praises of God. 

I have had the opportunity to meet with the delegate that we sponsored from India, Sudipta Nanda, and hear about his ministry. I have had conversations with many pastors, missionaries and others who are doing the work of God all around the world. 

This has been a great week so far and there is more still to come!  If you want to participate by watching online go here: Global Gathering.

Thinking of you,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday June 30, 2013

Hello! I hope this finds you all well, it's finally (officially according to the calendar) summer! I'm so excited for the things we have planned this summer, I hope you'll get involved. 

This coming Sunday I will finish preaching from our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform. I will conclude the series with the difference between Allowing life to happen and Choosing to live purposefully.  Are we in charge of our own lives? Yes, we choose to let life pass or make choices...what would God have for us in this?

This week Brett and I are in Anderson, IN like every June.  However, this year instead of a regular North American Convention, the Church of God is putting on a Global Gathering!  So far it's been an exciting time and there are a lot of ways for you to be involved:

1) You can go to the Church of God website and get information: CHOG website (You can watch the services there too!)
2) You can come Sunday night (June 23) and experience a worship service with a live feed from Anderson at 7:30pm at our church. 
3) You can keep up with this blog through the week, I will post about the experience and what I'm learning!

Blessings to you,
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday June 23, 2013

Happy Father's Day to all you men out there who have supported us, loved us and helped us with our journey!

This coming Sunday Susan Tatarka will continue preaching from our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform. She will discuss with you the difference between Going to Church and Being the Church.  Is there a difference? Is the church a place or a people? Come and find out!

This week Brett and I will go to Anderson, IN like every June.  However, this year instead of a regular North American Convention, the Church of God is putting on a Global Gathering!  It's going to be an exciting time and there are a lot of ways for you to be involved:

1) You can go to the Church of God website and get information: CHOG website (You can watch the services there too!)
2) You can come Sunday night (June 23) and experience a worship service with a live feed from Anderson at 7:30pm at our church. 
3) You can keep up with this blog through the week, I will post about the experience and what I'm learning!

I am praying for each one of you, you are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday June 16, 2013

Greetings! What an exciting time to be part of God's church! I feel so blessed to be walking this journey with you. 

We are currently in a series called THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform. We have heard about some of the ways that we can transition from functioning in our own humanness to how God would have us to live in righteousness.  This week I will be preaching about being Men of the World vs. Men of God. 

This week we also celebrate those men in our lives that have supported us, loved us and helped us to grow. 

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday June 9th, 2013

Hello! Here we are, already into June! I'm looking forward to a great summer with lots of fun things happening at the church including a Steak Cook Off (this week June 9th at 5pm), the annual Luau (August 10th), a pool party, and much more!

On Sunday I will continue preaching from our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform.  This Sunday I am focusing on vision.  What is the difference between being Vision Doers and Vision Seekers? Are we focused on the right things?

I am praying for each one of you -
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday June 2, 2013

Hello! Greetings from Wisconsin (really who goes to Wisconsin for vacation? Me!).  I hope you are enjoying this last week of May.

This week we will continue in our THIS OR THAT series.  If you've missed a sermon, you can listen on our website: Harvest Point Church

David Cross will be preaching on June 2nd about how to transition from Dried Up Twigs to Fruit Producing Branches from the scripture John 15:1-17.  Do we have to produce fruit as believers? What does it mean to produce fruit?

I hope that you have a wonderful week - I will see you on the 9th!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday May 26, 2013

Greetings! I hope that this finds you well.

On Sunday we will continue in our series THIS OR THAT: Allowing God to Transform... by hearing about how we transition from Making Converts to Making Disciples.  Is there a difference? If so what is it? Read Matthew 28:18-20 as a preview and come Sunday. 

I want you to know that I am praying for you all.  Know that you are loved!
~Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday May 19, 2013

If you can't tell by your allergies the flowers are blooming! Spring is here in full force and how beautiful is has been so far!

This week we start a new study...a study that will move us from worldly ideals to Christian ideals.  From how we function in our humanness to how God can help us function in holy ways.  These next several weeks we will focus on transitioning from THIS to THAT.  On May 19th we will start with transitioning from Independent Contractors to Covenant Community.  What does this mean? How does God impact this change? Read Jeremiah 31:31-33 in preparation and come and find out!

This Sunday we also have a community meeting following church.  We will discuss the 2013 Luau, we will hear an update from the Next Step Team and we will take a vote on a resolution to borrow for the land! Come and discuss with us.

Pastor Shannon

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday May 12, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are well this lovely spring day.

This week we celebrate Mother's Day: this is a day that we can celebrate the many women in our life who have loved us, cared for us, comforted us, taught us and led us.  On Sunday we will honor all those women.  Be sure to let the women in your life know how much you appreciate them. 

You are loved!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday May 5, 2013

Greetings! What an exciting couple weeks it has April I was in Colorado and Florida and was able to participate in some amazing clergy conferences. I have gained a lot of knowledge, connected with a lot of other ministers and am re-energized to walk alongside Harvest Point Church in this phase of our life together.

The past few weeks we have been talking about faithfulness, sacrifice and obedience.  If you missed any of the sermons you can get to them here: Harvest Point Sermons. 

This week Pastor Shannon will preach about Noah - what was required of him was great faithfulness in the face of people who were mocking him.  But Noah was faithful to God.  Read the story! Noah's Faithfulness. 

I hope to see you this week in church, I am praying for each one of you!
Pastor Shannon

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sermon April 14, 2013

Hello from beautiful Colorado! I am for the next week joining other women clergy for the Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy conference in Estes Park. 

This Sunday Pastor Brian Smith will be bringing you the Word.  He will be preaching about Samson's story in a sermon titled "Lord, gouge out our eyes." Read Judges 13-16 this week in preparation. 

I am praying for you all,
Pastor Shannon

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sermon April 7, 2013

Greetings, I pray that you had a blessed holiday.

This Sunday, join us as we go into the Old Testament to look at some of God's people.  This week I am going to be preaching about Joshua - the man who led the Israelites after Moses died.  Read Joshua 5:13-6:27 in preparation. 

Please know that I am praying for each one of you and that you are loved!

~Pastor Shannon

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Holy Week: Sunday

Holy Week Readings: Easter Sunday March 31, 2013

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Resurrection witness (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-18)
* Resurrection appearances (Matthew 28:9-20; Mark 16:9-18; Luke 24:13-53; John 20:19 - 21:25)

Prayer: Pray for understanding of seeing Christ risen from the grave.  Give thanks to God for such an amazing act of power.  Allow yourself to be amazed at what God has done.

Join us for Easter Sunday Service this morning at 10am. 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holy Week: Saturday

Holy Week Readings: Saturday March 30

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God: 

This day is sometimes called Holy Saturday or Black Saturday.  Everything was still - the disciples mourned. 

Prayer: Spend time getting into the mindset of Christ's followers.  What must they have been thinking, what must they have been feeling? Spend time in silence and allow God to speak to you. 

Join us tomorrow morning at 10am for our Easter Sunday celebration. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Holy Week: Friday

Holy Week Readings: Friday March 29

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Betrayal and arrest (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-50; John 18:1-12)
* Jewish Trial - Jesus appears in three phases in front of 1) Annas (John 18:13-24); 2) Caiaphas and partial Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-65); 3) Sanhedrin fully assembled (Matthew 27:1-2; Mark 15:1)
* Roman Trial - Jesus appeared in three phases before 1) Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5); 2) Herod Antipas (Luke 23:6-12); 3) Pilate (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15)

Between 9am and 3pm

* Crucifixion, Death and Burial (Matthew 27:27-66; Mark 15:16-47; Luke 23:26-56; John 19:1-42)

Prayer: Spend time contemplating what was done this day - spend time considering that this was so that you might have life.  Spend time contemplating how the disciples and family must have mourned.  Allow the events of this Friday to overwhelm you and remind you of your faith journey.  Spend time praying and speaking to God about all of these things. 

Join us tonight for a Good Friday Tenebrae Service - a somber service of remembrance at 6pm. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Week: Thursday

Holy Week Readings: Thursday March 28, 2013

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Preparations for Passover (Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16)

After sundown:

* Passover meal and Last Supper (Matthew 26:20-35; Mark 14:17-25)
* Upper Room Discourses (John 13-17)
* Prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42)

Prayer:  Spend time thinking about what it would have been like in that upper room, how would you have felt with all that Jesus said? How would you have felt when he washed your feet? Pray that God would guide you and lead to serve as Jesus served.  Pray for a humble heart. 

Join us tonight for communion and foot washing at the church at 6pm!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Week: Wednesday

Holy Week Readings: Wednesday March 27

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

Jesus and the disciples remain in Bethany for a last time of fellowship
* Judas returns alone to Jerusalem to make arrangements for the betrayal (Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:1-2 and 10-11)

Prayer:  Pray for understanding of Judas' actions, why would he do this? Ask God to bring to your mind any times when you have betrayed God, ask for forgiveness and spend time thanking God for amazing grace.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Holy Week: Tuesday

Holy Week Readings: Tuesday March 26

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Reaction to cursing the fig tree on the way back from Jerusalem (Mark 11:20-26)
* Debates with the religious leaders in Jerusalem and teaching in the temple (Matthew 21:23 - 23:39; Mark 11:27 - 12:44)
* Eschatological Discourse on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24:3-44; Mark 13:1-37)

Prayer: Spend time contemplating these conversations, what do they mean to you? Pray for understanding. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Holy Week: Monday

Holy Week Readings: Monday March 25

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth. Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things. Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God. Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Cursing the fig tree (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-14)
* Clearing the temple (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-17)
* Miracles and challenges in the temple (Matthew 21:14-16; Mark 11:18)
* Return to Bethany (Mark 11:19)

Prayer: Pray that you might come to a greater understanding of what the disciples were feeling at this time.  Pray for understanding of what Jesus might have been feeling.  Pray for an open mind to hear this Holy Week message in a new and powerful way. 


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Holy Week: Sunday

Holy Week Readings: Palm Sunday March 24

This week I am going to post every day readings so that you can walk with Jesus through his final week on earth.  Consider the historical, personal and theological ramifications of these things.  Allow yourself to be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God.  Choose one of the readings for each bullet point or read them all to see how the different gospels deal with it:

* Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-10; John 12:12-18)
* Return to Bethany (Matthew 21:17;  Mark 11:11)

Prayer: Pray that God will speak clearly to you this week and open you up to better understanding of the disciples and Jesus through this final week. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sermon March 24, 2013

Hello! I hope that this finds you well.  In worship today we talked about love for self and the importance of that in light of what has been done for us by Jesus Christ.  It's hard to love others if you see no good in yourself. It's hard to forgive others if you can't forgive yourself.  Did you miss the sermon? Listen here.  You are valuable. You are worthy. Know this.

This coming Sunday, March 24, is the start of Holy Week with Palm Sunday.  Sunday morning we will hear about Jesus, the humble one who came to serve. Read Mark 11:1-11 and Matthew 20:20-28 in preparation.

Starting Monday March 25 you can find "Walking with Jesus through Holy Week" readings here. 

Be blessed,
Pastor Shannon

Resources from March 17th Sermon

It's not about where you've been, but where your brokenness brings you to...

Here's another song, just a reminder! You are loved, you are valuable!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Uplifting Video

A powerful video about how God values us and cares for us:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday March 17, 2013

Greetings, I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! Today your challenge was to show God's love to others. Work on that throughout the week, how can you better show God's love to the people around you?  

This coming Sunday we are going to conclude our series on Extreme Love. We've dealt with:
Part 1) God's love for us
Part 2) Our love for God and
Part 3) Our love for others...

What do you think is the last part? In the scripture Matthew 22:34-40 there is a conditional statement there at the end of the second commandment: And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Do you see it? It says you shall love your neighbor as yourself.   What does that mean? Is it ok to love self? We are going to deal with those questions and more on Sunday. 

I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon

Resources from March 10 - Love Others

Here are some resources I used in my sermon today:

Article about loving everyone and not putting conditionals on your love: I'm a Christian, Unless You're Gay.

Song used in sermon: "Proof of Your Love":

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sunday March 10, 2013

We are now well into Focus 40 - a time where we are fasting and praying and really focusing in on God's Extreme Love for us. 

Today we talked about our love for God. In response to how God has loved us - how do we love back? Well this coming Sunday we are going to talk about our love for others. In response to God's love for us and our love for God - how is that great love is to be shared with those around us? 

Our Focus 40 emphasis is Matthew 22 which tells us in verse 39: The second [commandment] is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ How are we doing at loving our neighbor? Who is our neighbor?

Praying for each one of you~
Pastor Shannon

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sunday March 3, 2013

Hello! This week we enter into March! Wow, how time flies...this month we celebrate Easter.  In this time of Focus 40 - spend time reflecting on God's amazing love for us...that God would send Jesus to die for us! That's amazing...extreme love! 

During Focus 40 we are spending time studying that amazing love.  Yesterday we talked about God's love for us.  This coming Sunday we are going to think about our love for God.  In response to how God has loved us - how do we love back?

Our Focus 40 emphasis is Matthew 22 which tells us in verse 37-38: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment. How are you doing loving God with all your heart, soul and mind?

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!
~ Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sunday February 24, 2013

Hello! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday weekend, if you got the day off!  Tomorrow we enter our time of Focus 40.  This is a time when we gather with the Church of God at large to really focus in on the things of God.  It is a special time of prayer and fasting that can help us to renew and refresh our relationship with God. 

This year the focus is on God's Extreme Love with a scripture focus of Matthew 22:34-40.  Spend some time contemplating what that scripture means in your life...and whether you live that way or not. 

On Feb. 24th the emphasis is on God's love for us.  Read 1 John 4:9-10 and John 3:16-17 in preparation for Sunday's worship. 

I am praying for each one of you and hope that you have a wonderful week!

~Pastor Shannon

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hello! This week since it's Valentine's Day, I want you each to know how much I love you!  I look forward to be back with you this Sunday as we start our "Extreme Love" series. 

IOU groups start this week (Feb. 12th and Feb. 15th).  Are you signed up? You are still welcome! This session we are studying "Extreme Love: The Greatest Commandment."  We are following the Church of God at large in this study during Focus 40 - a time of 40 days before Easter where we join together in fasting and prayer.  Together we anticipate experiencing God's "Extreme Love."

~Pastor Shannon

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hello! I hope that you are staying warm on this snowy winter day.  I am loving the space heater in my office right now!

This Sunday we have our friend Pastor Brian Smith with us again, he will be preaching from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.  How are we to run the race of life? What are the keys for spiritual success? Come and find out! 

IOU groups are starting soon (our small groups focused on Inward, Outward and Upward ministries): February 12th for the Tuesday group and February 15th for the Friday group.  This year we will be studying "Extreme Love: The Greatest Commandment."  Look for more information at church and pick up your books for $5.

I am praying for each one of you~
Pastor Shannon

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday February 3, 2013

Hello! I hope you are safe and warm after that rain/ice storm we had! Please remember that our Annual Community Meeting is this Wednesday at 6pm.  It'll be an exciting meeting - we're going to hear an update from the Next Step Team!

This week I will be preaching from Acts 3:1-10 - read the story before you come.  We will be talking about how to live in expectation of what God can (and will) do. 

This week is also Super Bowl Sunday, be sure to wear your favorite team's know Viola and I are delighted that our team is in the Super Bowl this year and we'll be sporting 49ers gear!

I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunday January 27, 2013

Following our series on Acts 1:8, I think we should discuss that if we are doing this right, we will be drawing people to God and perhaps also drawing people to the church. So then we must ask ourselves...if people are people drawn to God - are we welcoming them in?

Jesus welcomed sinners and ate with them (Luke 15:1-2).  The Pharisees and teachers of the law did not like this.  We are called to follow Christ's examples.  He welcomed anyone and everyone who would come to him - we are to do the same - to welcome them as brothers and sisters and love them like our own.  So how are we doing? Are we welcoming people? Are we a welcoming church? Do people feel welcomed, safe and loved in our midst? This week we'll assess how we're doing.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday morning for worship!
Pastor Shannon

Monday, January 14, 2013

Live Like That

This is the video I used in the sermon yesterday, this is our prayer as the people of God. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, Janaury 20, 2013

Hello! We have had some crazy weather this week - some days definitely feel like winter and others the temperature is up in the 50's! I guess we can be thankful for the good days!

We have finally arrived at our long awaited Global Gathering Sunday!  As we have followed the idea of Acts 1:8 where we are called to be Jesus' witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth; we have begun to understand that the call on our lives is big! We can be involved in God's work all over and this coming Sunday, we will hear about our opportunity to get involved in God's Kingdom work all the way in India!

Come Sunday ready to worship and bring your love offering for missionary Sudipta Nanda!

I am excited and look forward to seeing you!
~Pastor Shannon

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sunday January 13, 2013

Oh my! I apologize for the long absence! With Christmas and the New Year I guess I got busy.  I hope that your holiday's were wonderful, I am sure glad to be back into a normal routine. 

On December 30 I gave a "State of the Church Address."  I talked about the last few years, how far we've come and some challenges that face us as we move forward.  Last week I started a series on getting involved based on Acts 1:1-8.  Following the call in Matthew 28:19-20, in Acts Jesus informs his disciples "you will be my Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  Our call is the same - to go into the world proclaiming the good news!

On January 6, we talked about how to get involved at Harvest Point Church; In widening this circle, this week we will look at how to get involved at a local level - outside of the church.  I have been challenging the congregation in this way - pray for how God can use you (in our church and beyond).  Commit yourself to God and God's work and just imagine what we could do together for the Kingdom!

I love each one of you and I am praying for you~
Pastor Shannon